Introduction: Insulin-dependent patients are individuals with chronic disease who are well adapted to living and dealing with any health needs and fears arising. An important aspect in the process of adaptation to chronic illness is the provision of nursing care in the early stages of the disease, because this contributes to its acceptance and the early identification and management of potential complications. Purpose: To investigate the health needs and self-management problems faced by patients with diabetes daily, especially those who use insulin. Furthermore purpose of this study was to investigate the fears experienced by patients in the early stage of the disease, but also in its subsequent development and to study possible differences between sexes. Methodology: This is a qualitative study, using interpretative phenomenological approach. Fifteen (nine women and six men) insulin-dependent patients, recounted their personal fears and their needs, through semi-structured interviews, which took place in Central Greece. The method used for processing the results is the Mayering one. Results: The analysis of the narratives showed that patients have a variety of fears and needs associated with the diagnosis, treatment, expected consequences, prognosis and everyday life in the management of the disease. Most patients express the concept of need as desire. Care needs, psychological support and education to recognize and prevent hypoglycemia. Conclusions: Insulin-dependent patients express fears and needs in their daily lives. Nurses providing care aimed at enhancing the level of health, while putting self-care information and training them. Patients want the nurse next to them, so that information is continuous and permanent.
[Med Arch 2015; 69(3.000): 190-195]

diabetes mellitus, fears, health needs, self-care, nursing care

Medical Archives is official journal of Academy of Medical Sciences 
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